
Cemu breath of the wild mods
Cemu breath of the wild mods

If it's an albedo (_Alb), then it will glow in-game without sRGB. Please note when replacing textures sometimes sRGB won't be automatically selected.

  • Find the texture you're looking to replace and right-click, replace.
  • Click the + icon next to the file, and then on textures folder.
  • cemu breath of the wild mods

    If Wii U, make sure the Tex2 is in the same directory as the Tex1 (so that Switch Toolbox can load/save its contents properly) These can mostly be found in content/Model, though some are in content/Pack/TitleBG.pack//Model.

  • Drag the Tex1 (or Tex if Switch) into Switch Toolbox.
  • Open Switch Toolbox and find the texture you're looking for.

  • Cemu breath of the wild mods